Mike Parkhill with Minister of The Department of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Mélanie Joly.
Prince’s Charities Canada (PCC) is pleased to announce a partnership with Canadian Heritage and the Manitoba Children’s Hospital Indigenous Language Program to produce five illustrated children’s books in Cree, Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Inuktitut.
The books will focus on themes of childhood development and health care and be available to children at the hospital. They will include phonetics and the English translation and be recorded in each of the four Indigenous languages.
Prince’s Charities Canada has been working with community groups on preserving and revitalizing Indigenous languages since 2014. “I am immensely proud of this new project, which helps Indigenous children deal with the struggles of illness while learning their traditional language and culture,” said HRH The Prince of Wales. “I hope that these books provide an equal measure of comfort and pride to the families supported by the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.”
Read the entire article at http://www.princescharities.ca/news/new-indigenous-languages-initiative-provides-childrens-books-to-sick-kids/